Top themes for work parties
Posted on January 23, 2018 at 2:48 pm in Events
Work parties rarely turn out to be like they are on TV unless they have an exciting edge incorporated into them. Adding a theme to your office party could give it the exciting edge it needs. We’ve reviewed the top 5 themes for work parties to give you a few options.
Disco and 70s: You can never go wrong with going back to the 70s and the Disco era. Not only does this provide you with a hint of nostalgia, an office party in 70s themes already comes equipped with good music and fun costumes. For a twist, ask attendees to make up a list of favorite disco/70s music before the party.
Western Theme: Contrary to popular belief that western is dead, many people actually enjoy dressing up like cowboys with western regalia. Western themes offer an opportunity to be creative and will bring some fun entertainment.
Movie Night: Invite your employees or colleagues to dress up like their favorite movie characters. Having a movie theme brings opportunities for old-fashioned stars through current and opens up the possibility for many fun party games. As a twist, consider doing “Old Hollywood” and only having the old fashioned stars. You could go for a James Bond theme party and have your guests dress up in real classy clothes, whilst classic cars can be hired with plenty of ‘shaken, not stirred’ drinks. This is a fantastic theme that most people can relate too, after all, who hasn’t seen a single James Bond movie? Nobody right?
Back to Prom: One of the top choices for a work party is this exquisite Back to Prom theme. Attendees are encouraged to pull out old dresses or, even better, visit their local thrift store to see what wonderful or hideous prom outfit they can find.
Game Night: This theme can be taken two ways. On one side, you can make a theme around favorite board games and have an entire game themed event with maybe a few playing options. On the other hand, you can theme this around favorite sports teams both nationally and internationally.
Superhero Theme: Who can say no to a superhero theme? We all have our favourites, so why not dress up as yours and get all of your coworkers involved. There are so many different heroes and enemies to choose from, and yes there will be 20 guys dressed as Batman and 30 ladies dressed up as Wonder Woman, however, there may only be one Luke Cage! Try to think outside the box and choose a lesser known character if you want to be a bit different!
Video Game Night: You could have a night dedicated to playing video games and dressing up as some popular characters like Sonic, Echo the Dolphin and Mario. Have several vintage consoles around with theme music the classic games as disco tracks. This theme allows you to be as creative as possible, but classic gaming equipment will be needed and it can be rather expensive.